Organic Beef Bone Broth
6x 380ml
CHF 75.00
Drink our true organic bone broths pure, as a cure or added to your dishes (soups, sauces, risottos, smoothies, hummus, etc.) to gain intense and natural flavor.
With TrueBrodo, flavour returns to the kitchen and the body reclaims strength. Discover how bone broth quality relates to collagen content.
Whip up a delicious and healthy meal in no time: your TrueBrodo light power soup is ready in just 6 minutes - including plenty of protein, collagen and omega-3 fatty acids.
TrueBrodo are hand-cooked power broths made in Switzerland from Swiss certified organic raw materials (Bio Knospe).
In addition to collagen and essential omega-3 fatty acids, the long boiling process extracts valuable minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium from the bones. To achieve the highest possible collagen content, we use 320g of organic beef bones or 300g of organic chicken bones, when calculated per glass of bone broth (380ml).
You may use TrueBrodo well diluted for cooking. When making a soup, you may want to add something between half and a whole TrueBrodo glass of water.
When doing the TrueBrodo cure, we recommend to drink the bone broth undiluted or only slightly diluted. This gets as much collagen as possible into your body for your intestinal health.
TrueBrodo bone broth is rich in high quality gelatin from the collagen, which is semi-solid when cold. Once warm or at room temperature, the gelatin becomes liquid.
Deshalb kann das Produkt in der Farbe, der Konsistenz und dem Geschmack leichte Unterschiede aufweisen.
TrueBrodo is not an industrial product. It's handmade! This is the reason the product may have slight differences in color, consistency and taste.